'Getting 'lost' is only natural. Feeling 'rage' happens. Reaching 'EX/TC' is something entirely different...'
Welcome to EX/TC.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Hi, Hello, Hey

The irony of this situation. 
The way I can't help but laugh. 
And not just an internet laugh. 
I mean a real...a real good laugh. 

How many times do we do this routine?
Why do you keep coming back?
How is this fun for you?
Why do you think I've changed?

You say hi,
You ask how I am, how I've been since we last spoke. 
You tell me you miss me.
Your mix of small and sweet talk, amuse me. 
I try not to be rude. 

I wonder if you're finally willing to give me what I want...
But it's too soon to ask.
I want to act like how I always act when we talk. 
Cold and blunt and to the point. 
This time isn't different, but...
But maybe I'm different. 
All those years since we started talking, and maybe I have changed along the way.

Am I willing to give you what you want from this?
Fuck no. 
But, I feel less intent about pursuing my own needs. 

We'll see where this goes. 

Even if that means going south, again,
I know you'll be back. 

Who isn't alone?

Do you smell that?
That cold January night's air.
Midnight in London. 
Streetlights and lost souls. 
The Three Wishes public house;
It's karaoke night.
High note.
I look up. 
Up, at the moon. 
I think of all the people who might be too. 
I think if you might be one of them. 
You're probably not. 
Even at this distance we don't share moments. 
I'm walking these icy pavements alone.
Tonight, I will sleep alone. 
Who isn't alone? 
We try so hard to feel connected. 
But what makes us so special? 
I'm sure we're just all try to understand it...