'Getting 'lost' is only natural. Feeling 'rage' happens. Reaching 'EX/TC' is something entirely different...'
Welcome to EX/TC.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Hi, Hello, Hey

The irony of this situation. 
The way I can't help but laugh. 
And not just an internet laugh. 
I mean a real...a real good laugh. 

How many times do we do this routine?
Why do you keep coming back?
How is this fun for you?
Why do you think I've changed?

You say hi,
You ask how I am, how I've been since we last spoke. 
You tell me you miss me.
Your mix of small and sweet talk, amuse me. 
I try not to be rude. 

I wonder if you're finally willing to give me what I want...
But it's too soon to ask.
I want to act like how I always act when we talk. 
Cold and blunt and to the point. 
This time isn't different, but...
But maybe I'm different. 
All those years since we started talking, and maybe I have changed along the way.

Am I willing to give you what you want from this?
Fuck no. 
But, I feel less intent about pursuing my own needs. 

We'll see where this goes. 

Even if that means going south, again,
I know you'll be back. 

Who isn't alone?

Do you smell that?
That cold January night's air.
Midnight in London. 
Streetlights and lost souls. 
The Three Wishes public house;
It's karaoke night.
High note.
I look up. 
Up, at the moon. 
I think of all the people who might be too. 
I think if you might be one of them. 
You're probably not. 
Even at this distance we don't share moments. 
I'm walking these icy pavements alone.
Tonight, I will sleep alone. 
Who isn't alone? 
We try so hard to feel connected. 
But what makes us so special? 
I'm sure we're just all try to understand it...

Friday 16 November 2012

Capturing Moments Pt.2...

What is life without expression?
 What are words without intent? 
What are wants and desires without action
Make moments that will last for an eternity. Live without restraint. Think freely. Make moments that matter, to you.

Insanity by Anotherone

Somebody That I Used To Know by Heraklid 

Shh by Player And Prayer

Capturing Moments Pt.1 - 

Pictures taken from www.deviantart.com - No infringement intended. 

Friday 26 October 2012


The belief that I was over all of these feelings, all these emotions, turned out to be wrong. In a flash, just seeing your face brought everything back. I remember the complements, the ones you paid me. I remember the phone calls and times spent together. I remember the rage, and your confusion, your emotional immaturity. You never knew what you wanted. I hope you never find out. You deserve a life aloneIt's just like you to be quick with your words, saying what you feel, never thinking of the consequences. Every signal you sent said ‘take me now’, but when I tried to pursue, you assured me I had gotten the wrong message... or maybe it was just a message that you didn't quite get across right. It wasn't even about f***ing, it could've been more. I wanted more. Those are the kinds of signals you sent. I could call you any time, we could go for something to eat whenever, you wanted to spend time with me, you missed me.

After seeing you again, I wonder if you remember anything you've said to me. I wonder if you still miss me. I wanna know if you know how angry you make me, how our whole ‘situation’ stays with me, and how I wish I done things when I could've.

I regret nothing... just you, and you.

Edited: 20:56, on 26/10/2012
EX/TC can be cruel sometimes.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Portico Quartet - Steepless (Kaytranada Remix)

Acting like this actually ain't the shit...

4mins of EX/TC

Friday 12 October 2012


Nights like tonight...
When the air is new, and crisp. Where you walk on pavements tinted in a golden glow.
The cars that pass are few and far between.
The simplicity of the night allows for reflection. It grants us the time and space to think.

Tonight, more than any other night in a while, I feel alive.
As the moon watches over me, I am rejuvenated, with a strengthened belief of ones self.
I'm in control.
I'm always in control.

We are the architects of our own destinies. Deciding for and against elements of our infantile future.
Dreamers, realists, optimists, pessimists, each word spoken sets us upon an unwritten path.
The quill has ink, the dawn is approaching.
What will you write?

Sunday 23 September 2012

No More Heroes.

Trying to organise my thoughts, and feelings, into words that are meaningful, and coherent, is proving to be challenge.

There's so much I want to say; I want to describe what's going on in my heart and mind, but my ability to do so is null.

Maybe it's just my ‘emotional immaturity’, as someone insignificant from my past had once branded it.

Everything I was sure about, I'm suddenly less sure. Everything I thought was real and true, now feels like it could be a casual lie.

I just need some reassurance, a reminder of what is good, simply just to quell my insecurities and doubts.

Does that make sense?

I need saving from myself.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Everything, Tomorrow.

There's a moment of realisation, that occurs on the cusp of greatness.

Where it dawns on you, that things can be made into much more than just potential.

When you have a clear belief in what the future has in store, and what tomorrow's successes will entail.

You would want it all. When at that point, you would fight for what it 'could' be.

The future is everything.

Everything, EX/TC.